Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Search

This past Sunday we considered the account in the Garden of Eden where the Lord God was searching for Adam and Eve.  While God appeared to not know where Adam and Eve where, His question of "Where are you?" was purely rhetorical.  He knew the results of His query; what His search would produce.

This is not always the case when you or I search for things.  For instance, yesterday, I was working with my 11 year old daughter. I was helping her to find a book online through a search of the Barnes and Noble website.  Our query was a simple one: "babysitting." We wanted books on the how-to of babysitting.  In fact we were looking for a particular book she had seen in the store.

Well, our query did return the books title... and so much more. Along with the "American Girl Babysitting Kit," for which we were searching, came up some very unexpected titles and suggestive book covers from the "erotic genre." I quickly diverted my daughters attention as I backed out of the search page.

After we viewed the book that my daughter wanted and she went outside to play, I decided to contact Barnes and Noble to express my dissatisfaction and ask if they had ever considered a "family friendly" search tool.  The agents response was "no we have not but you don't need one because you can simply select the "Teens" or "Kids" tab. But that doesn't help if the book you are searching for is not on one of those pages. You will then need to use the search engine.

Just a heads-up. Be careful what you search for... you may find it... and more!

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